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Relative Roots Genealogy Webinars!

Relative Roots is excited to announce the launch of our new Webinar series!

Starting in January 2011, Relative Roots will host genealogy webinars several times a month. We’re starting with a series of webinars on Genetic Genealogy, and we plan to offer additional webinars on other genealogy topics in the coming months. Visit our Relative Roots Webinars page to see the webinars that we currently have scheduled.

Our very first webinar will be held on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 8pm EST:

Genetic Genealogy for Beginners: DNA is the “Gene” in Genealogy!
If you don’t know the first thing about Genetic Genealogy, or even if you’ve heard about it, but don’t know which test you should take, this presentation is for you! Attendees will learn about the history of genetic genealogy, be introduced to DNA basics and inheritance paths, learn about the different types of DNA tests available for genealogy (Y-DNA, mtDNA and Autosomal), and learn about resources that will help you make the most of your Genetic Genealogy experience.

This webinar requires FREE pre-registration. If you’d like to attend, please click here to register.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The webinar software allows unlimited registrations, but we’re currently limited to 100 participants per webinar, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Since this is the first webinar that Relative Roots is hosting, we don’t know yet how many people will want to attend. If the webinar fills up, anyone who tries to join after the first 100 people will get a message that the webinar is already full — even if you are registered. We’re working on a better way to handle registrations to avoid this situation for future webinars, but please bear with us until then. Also, we plan to hold the Genetic Genealogy for Beginners webinar once a month, as long as there is demand for it — so if you’re not able to get into this month’s session, please keep an eye on the Relative Roots Webinars Schedule for dates, times and registration details for future webinars.

We look forward to seeing you at our Genetic Genealogy for Beginners webinar this Tuesday, and hopefully at future webinars as well!

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