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February Sessions of Genetic Genealogy for Beginners

Double Helix

By popular demand, Relative Roots will repeat our free webinar, Genetic Genealogy for Beginners: DNA is the “Gene” in Genealogy! Two sessions: February 1 @ 6pm GMT (1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific) and February 3 @ 8pm Eastern (5pm Pacific). Register at . . . → Read More: February Sessions of Genetic Genealogy for Beginners

Relative Roots Genealogy Webinars!


Relative Roots is excited to announce the launch of our new Webinar series!

Starting in January 2011, Relative Roots will host genealogy webinars several times a month. We’re starting with a series of webinars on Genetic Genealogy, and we plan to offer additional webinars on other genealogy topics in the coming months. Visit . . . → Read More: Relative Roots Genealogy Webinars!